Saturday, February 05, 2005


[Lori]: So our house has (finally) sold, and we are now officially without a place to live come March 29! Of course, there's always Chez Parents, but we'd rather avoid that if possible for all concerned. We've seen a couple houses we like though...decision time is rapidly approach. Exciting, but stressful. As so much of life seems to be these days.
Strangely warm here now...50s for a couple day here now. I do not trust this warm spell. March is going to be's a karmic necessity. (and to think I once won the Optimist Club speech contest!)
Molly is doing well, growing like a cute little weed. She's smiling more and more, which is just too adorable. She's got her two month check up this will be good to have her checked out, but they are also going to poke her with needles which I dare say will be sad making for all concerned. Wish us luck!