Friday, October 15, 2004

Week 34

Today marks the end of week 34 (I think). We could have less that 2 months to go before meep meep makes an appearance. I'm very excited. Next week we have our next midwife appointment, then we have the birthing classes next weekend at the hospital. I have a feeling I'm going to learn more than I would like, but I'm ready. The whole thing seems like so much of a mystery to me. I want to find out what to expect.

I'm traveling a lot for work this month which is kind of a drag. But it's best to get it over with now. I want to stay home in November, December, January as much as possible. Lori is doing well as far as I can tell. The baby is kicking visibly now, though it is starting to subside, which is normal. Sometimes Lori asks me to try to wake hermie up by talking to and rubbing her belly. And it actually works. Very cool. We still have our moments when we look at each other with panicked faces and ask, "What the hell are we doing?"

Impending parenthood

Stayed tuned for information on Baby Clement and related thoughts from Lori and David . . .